A'zo neetexam

Saytdagi faolyati: 1 yil (Ro'yxatdan o'tgan 30 Dek, 22)
Guruhi: Ro'yxatdan o'tgan foydalanuvchi
To'liq ism sharifi: neetexam
Tug'ulgan sana:
Sayt: https://www.selfstudys.com/books/cbse-sample-paper/english/9th
Qiziqish va hobbiylar:
O'zim haqimda: With the help of CBSE Class 9 Sample Paper, students will be able to get an idea about the class 9 final exam. By going through the sample papers, students can easily score good marks in the final exam. By scoring good marks, students can be easily promoted to the next grade.

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Olgan ovozlari: 0 Yoqlangan ovoz, 0 Qarshi ovoz

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